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Reviews for "Brawl Royale"

Bitch killed me

Bruce Lee & Miyamoto Musashi talked about "unfocusing" the eyes, basically letting your brain combine both your foward and peripheral vision into a single wall of sight that lets you react to movement all around you as well as movement in general. That's why when you see Bruce Lee in his old fight scenes, he sometimes is not focused on any one combatant, but instead his vision is sort of "glazed over" as he looks at something, like the floor, a person's shirt, etc, because he's taking in the whole scene. Using that technique, you can respond to quick-draw things pretty well. But still....the Naruto bitch killed me. What happened to the days when you'd just act friendly to someone, invite them out for a beer, then slip a cyanide capsule into their drink that would quietly kill them in their sleep hours later?

matt-likes-swords responds:

Nice story. Thanks for the review :D

Good Game

You made a good game with great animations. It started to get challenging about at the last three.

great game but

you should have made checkpoints or something like that but overall a fun game that has very unique deaths

holy crap awesome!!!

I love it!!! I can't beat it but I love it!!! This game needs no explanation. It just needs to be played. Great music as well


VERY well put together.
I especially liked the animations for winning rounds 3 and 5.