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Reviews for "Platformer Tutorial AS2"

Tutorials in flash?

I for one like text-based tutorials with examples better than movies. Or like gotoandlearn.com, that works.

Besides that, I don't know how many people still use AS2 but I asume it's getting less and less. There are enough tutorials online for AS2.

It's a good tutorial if you compare it with others here on NewGrounds though ;)

ActionSick responds:

AS2 is still very popular :D


that's supposed to be simple? hauhuahuahua seriously...

I need help

please add me BigBerry101 and help me


dude the hit Test doesnt make any sense because all you said is

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
if(_root.OBJECT1.hitTest(_root.OBJECT 2)) {
//whatever you want it to do

where "whatever you want it to do" means you can put tons of stuff to make actions, but you didnt said how to USE them, like
_root.stop, okay all i understand is that i can use it to stop something, but WHAT? and the "walls and barriers in games" all you did was write this._y-=4
all i understand is that something is going to happen at y- 4 OR that simply writting this._y-=4 (or any other coordinate) would make a wall there! understand the _y=#, that means when the character reaches that point something is going to happen but you didnt put how to make it happen!
_root.GoToAndPlay is for movies i guess or to make stages
this._x+= # is SURELY not enough to make a wall, it just tells Flash where its going to be but you didnt said or teached how to make the code to create a wall or a platform!!

I tried to do this:

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
if(_root.MAN.hitTest(_root.GROUND)) {
_root.stop(MAN); this._y+=282;
(the platform were at y+ 282, but the 282 is for a single point right? not for the whole platform!!!)
but he still goes trought it (i know how to make him move and fall)

and i DID see if the names were correct and they were, this part of your tutorial doesnt make any sense
(the platform was at y+ 282)
I am pretty sure that _root.stop ISNT to make the character unable to go trought a wall, but with your demonstration with the yellow face, that part has walls, so that means with everything till the demonstration can make me be able to make walls, but I just can't.
the basic hit test were same the thing as nothing, I still dont know how to use them.

I didnt even read anything else, because i'm too tired, i spent 3 hours trying to figure out how to make characters not go trought walls, i read tons of tutorials but it just ends like always: the character still goes trought the wall.

P.S: No. english isnt my native language so there will be speech errors.

It helps, but...

I think you made some errors in the ActionScript.
For example, the "Proper Movement" codes are missing several onClipEvent(load) that I had to put in to make it work. Also, the ActionScript for that section doesn't work for me.
I'm using ActionScript 1.0, so it might just be me, but...