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Reviews for "Metal Gear Life Alarm"

I love it and somewhat are mad at it

This was perfectly executed, but it is a joke i was gonna make fun of soon! anyway, great work. very funny.

mrnihil responds:

you can still make the joke.


first of all, great artwork, the perception and light resources are nicelly efectuated.

however...I believe that the joke was a bit gray. basically Im here watching it with some of my MGs fan friends and they didnt find it funny.

In my opinion, this is gonna be one of those movies in wich people vote 5 just for the sake of being MGS parody, instead of valuating it for the artwork and effort
(not meaning that you didnt put it in here).

Personally, I believe the joke would have worked with mario or sonic the same way.

Maybe its not my kind of a flash, but its worth a watch, and its not worth a bad score.. Just make it funnyer next time k?


mrnihil responds:

mario and sonic never fell out of a helicopter on shadow moses and hurt their hip.

and also, they aren't old?

Pretty good

I always thought those commercials were cheesy. It was funny how you made snake talk all slow just like the lady from the commercial.

mrnihil responds:

it wouldnt have been right any other way.


yea that was fun, i liked the style u used for drwing the characters...

just try to make something a bit bigger next time...

mrnihil responds:

648x480 isn't big enough?


All senior tatical... wait was that snake in the late supper in the second scene XD. Nice I loved it.

mrnihil responds:

yes, it is snake in the last supper. if you right click and select forward or back during that scene, then right click again, you should be able to select zoom and get a better look at it. i've got the image on my flickr account, too, but in throwing all professionalism out the window, i don't have a link for you, and i don't even actually know how you find my flickr account. if you really want to see it, i'm sure you'll figure it out.

thanks for the 8.