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Reviews for "Blueshift"

Near Perfect

I'm a perfectionist so when i play games i try to beat the whole thing, and this game was hard to beat in a good way. Besides some pointless weapons (sawblade, burst) my only complaint is that when i moved my ship with faster characters it felt like ice skating and harder to control. Otherwise awesome and definitely requires a sequel.

Very nice. :D

The best gun has to be the lightning gun~!

cool game

cool game , could use a little more reward based item , like cash or something ! gets repetitive after a while ! anyhow still a awesome game! ;) keep up the good work!

too addictive for my own good

i got nothing done at all the evening that i played this, but i don't really care because it was pretty fun. Maybe i'm just a sucker for good 'ol side-scrolling shooters, but even if i am, this was still one of the best ones i've played.
One thing that i noticed was that even when the game is in easy mode, it was still fairly difficult, which makes me worried about hard mode. maybe next time (if there is a next time) you could step down the difficulty just a little bit. Not too much though, since it's good to have a real challenge once in a while.
Other things i liked:
-attention to detail (reflection in water, water drops coming down after splash, blur of the trees.... etc.)
-the fact that there are achievement medals which might spur industrious people to spend even more time with this game to unlock them all
-gun powerups... i'm guessing there's an achievement for powering up all the weapons to the max, but i could be wrong...
-extra characters... i have no clue how i unlocked the second secret character... hell, i didn't even realize it when i unlocked the first one...
other things i didn't like:
- like a lot of people have said before me, i thought that the shield should've lasted a bit longer than it did, but hey, no REAL complaints from me, since i still managed to get through the game...
- i don't know whether it was intentional or not, but like other people have said the final boss doesn't show up..... at least, until you set off an EMP blast... if someone didn't have enough for an EMP blast right then, they're stuck... i just happened to have one ready.
All in all, it was a great game. 5/5 10/10 Kudos.


I had fun, good scroller, kept me interested, actually I stopped watching Family Guy so I could play this... missed the whole show lol