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Reviews for "Beneath the Sheets"

Not Bad...

As a video I can't really judge you for artwork or animation, but I can judge you on other things. The video work was done in an awkward way while you were running due to it being dark, it would've been nice if you invested in some night vision. As for the ghost scenes... they were comical, but you could've done more for something with a ghost in comedy.

|| Good Points ||
(Artwork Points Disabled)
(Animation Points Disabled)
*Great Story
*Quite Funny

|| Bad Points ||
*Awkward Camera Work At Times

Fro responds:

The camera was suppose to represent what you would get in real life if you had a situation like this. Night vision would be pretty cool though. :) Perhaps if I had a job I would invest in that.

Future ghost episodes will be funnier/have more story.

Very hard to see.

I had to strain my eyes pretty hard to see half of it. I think that's why people will cry a lot to post it on youtube because the quality has to be so dumbed down for NG. The ghost was meh, the story was meh. I understand it's supposed to be funny but...I dunno, I guess I just laughed a little more on the inside.

Fro responds:

Thanks for the review. It's suppose to be that dark though read the author comments.

This was ok

This was neat abit differant from your other stuff but i still enjoyed it, i did have to replay lol, good theme and good style leading upto the well you know lol, anyways decent flash here

Make it abit longer and with abit more suspense next time



Fro responds:

Ha thanks. I'm making a prequel and a sequel to this sometime. The prequel won't be very long, but it will be funny to those that have seen this one. The sequel will be longer and will probably have more suspense.


Now this really is not my style. I'm sure this in the theme of the cam corder type horror flicks. I'm not a big fan of that style, actually I watched several of them and didn't find any of them scary.
The best part is the trip scene I about fell over laughing. It saved this whole submission for me. REPLAY BONUS!
After it goes back to where it was for me. Nothing to special.
You have almost 2 themes in this the serious theme then the fake ghost and trip theme. If you going to spoof something you really should go all out On the flip side of realism video needed more suspense.

Fro responds:

Ha, so you think it's funny when people injure themselves for your pleasure? Ha, yeah the fall was something that I got an idea from on another video on youtube. It actually did hurt a little bit because I wanted it to look as real as possible so I covered my eyes so I wouldn't know when I was suppose to trip or not.

There was always plans to make to sequels to this, with one being scary and one being all comedy.

Thanks for the review.

Fuck Youtube.

The humor is somewhat infantile, but parodies are IN right now, especially on NG, so okay. Nick's acting is pretty good, but since he's more or less playing himself, it's to be expected. I can't really score very high though because of the simplicity of the cinematography and storyline. Like on a scale of storyline, with St1ckF1ght!!1! as a 1 and . . . something with an actual story as a 10, you're somewhere around a 4, right above Waterlollies.

One thing that I think you did really well was the lighting and set design. I realize there wasn't much to it, but the color and the point-sourcing were spot on. So as the equivalent of graphics, you did well in that respect. Also, major props on your choice of credit role. I can't emphasize enough just how sick I am of seeing bad credit roles. Style points +1.

I would have liked it if you had used a larger screen size, but I'm guessing that it would have caused pixelation? Also, add some controls on the bottom of the screen, man. See Half-Beard or anything else by Bobert-Rob for a great example of what I mean.

One directorial problem that I think is worth pointing out is the way the camera jerked while in the car. I know you'll say that it's supposed to look like that, but watch it again . . . did you see it that time? The camera shake is too soft, indicating that it was held by another person. Whether or not this is actually the case is irrelevant, because visually, that's how it appeared. So for the very first scene, I though Nick had a cameraman. If only one hand of his was shown, the camera jerks were sturdy and subtle, or if that wasn't the first shot, then I as a member of the audience probably would have understood. But since that wasn't the case, I found it confusing.

Basically, what I feel is that your execution of this project was very very good, but you could and should be working on way better projects.


I'm on a seven day ban right now, can you tell? Is it just me, or do you write waaay better reviews while on ban?

Fro responds:

Fuck Jewtube is right.

The storyline could have been much better, but you have to admit that it is set up perfectly for a sequel and a prequel. Especially the prequel where we can have a video of the killer girl scouts.

Your the first person to understand that the lighting had to be that way because that was the way it would really be.

Larger size = can't see what the fuck is happening. By controls you mean fast forward, rewind, etc? Maybe next time, but I have no programming skills.

Yes, I held the camera in the car. It was the only way we could get a good enough angle to pick the entirety of Nick up and still get a pretty good background shot and everything. The camera was all of the way on the dash board next to the right window. We were hoping to have an effect that looked like he had something holding it there like you always see people having in their vehicles when making documentations.

We are working on better projects. And by working I mean we have them shot, but we just don't have the time to put them together.


I once wrote 40 reviews on a three day ban. I don't get banned often though. Once last year and no times this year so far.