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Reviews for "The Last Hour: Chapter 3"

Better than the other two

The voice is not that slow and annoying so that is good. Animation was at a minimum, however, the sounds were OK. I liked how you put comments on the monitors when the two men were talking :) Had to zoom in and look at them all. Gave me a laugh :D

Overall, this was not that bad, yet not that good either. You really need to work on more animation, and longer chapters.

.:.Review Request Club.:.

Jaiba responds:

wow that is cool. you are the first person to have notice the comments on the screen. that is awesome. you have a great eye. thanks for watching. i still have two more movies if you have time, could you watch and review those? we are working on chapter 6 and it will be better than ever.

Strackenz is right WAY more time is needed

A couple plot hole notes: Is the pilot dude named MadFalconX13 (what unfortunate parents he must have had) or is his ship named that? Because you say in this movie MadFalconX13 is dead, which indicates its the pilot.

What rebellion are you talking about? I see no rebellion? If it Jaibidians rebellion, that seems fairly well exposed, if it's the humans rebellion, then I think your miss using rebellion. Unless I'm missing something.

Animation: Your characters are just statically standing there, no arm gestures, nothing aside from the lip movement. Do you do this in real life? No, there needs to be reactions, arm gestures, facial changes, blinking, etc. This all must be done through (you guessed it) time consuming fbf animation. The lip syncing needs work too, try checking out the lip syncing tutorial on this fine website for help there. The second half of the movie is just on fixed picture? Never hold a static picture for any longer than absolutely necessary. Never, for 1/4 as long as you did here. Do you think you can have an animation without animating?

Artwork: I liked the increased detail in the artwork in this movie. It's a definite start. The facial features needed more detail though. I did like the better drawn asteroids in the opening though.

Sound: Yeah... not so hot in this one. Wayyyy to loud and high pitched. Turning down the sound of the voice acting would be a great start. Maybe consider soliciting a Newgrounds voice actor, or just try to sound more natural and... uh... act better with the voices you got.

Story: Again you try to let text and voice acting tell the story, when, in fact your animation should be doing most of the story telling. I think with all my animations you could at least get a vague idea of the story with the sound off. I think this a good thing. Still, I think you have a good story in your head you just need to give it the right foil in your animation.

I hope if my and other reviews have planted any idea its this: Good animation takes time. Most shortcuts you take will be blatantly obvious to the viewer and will not be smiled upon by him or her. Your movies are too short and lack fbf animation, If you really want to make this series get noticed on Newgrounds you need to take several steps these are just some of them. Make the individual movies much longer. Fbf animation DON'T tween most everything. Work on voice acting. Get away from telling your story almost entirely through text and voice acting. Better voice acting. Accept the fact that animation is a lot of work. It takes time, time, and more time.

I hate to keep referencing myself, but I'm the only real example I have to go by. My animations take a minimum of 30-40 hours for me to do. Some have taken much longer. I don't think this unusual, in fact, I'm willing to be the elite animator spend 10 times as long. So what's the rush with your series? Nobody is demanding you produce a quota of 20 feet of film a week. Take time, and in the end you will be rewarded. If nothing else, than with personal satisfaction at a job well done. Good luck!

Jaiba responds:

just wait till you see chapter 5, currently in production


The entirety of the pre-amble that accompanies your name should be cut. The movie just isn't long enough for that sort of thing.

It seemed like the text section was almost as long as the movie!

The voice of the lad on our left was specially ridiculous. It sounded more like someone being silly than someone actually trying to act in a serious story.

The music you've got is great - why hasn't it been credited by now? Still, don't play it for every single episode. It's starting to get irritating and can drown out the voices.

At least make an attempt at drawing various mouth shapes. Draw different body shapes, trying to convey emotions via body posture.

Use better voices or use text.

The title screen's asteroids were kinda cool and I liked the look of the photo.

Overall though, this is a horrible thing to watch. I'm hoping episode 5 is as big an improvement as you imply.

Jaiba responds:

sorry i have a bit of an irish accent being as i am an irish immigrant. to moved down to the south with my family. but i shall work on it.

So bad is funny

Well what can i say this is just terrible, i could not help laughing at the inane speeches.

Graphics.3/10 Again no real change from the previous two although the two men sitting down were better drawn. Really though this looks very bad the animation and voice, movements are poor. This looked just like no efffort was put into this, the movie should have gotten better by now.

Sound.3/10 Slightly better but again the voices, are below par. The music was to loud it overshadowed t,he speeches.The dialogue was ropey the silly voices made me cry ,with laughter as it so terrible. This is not a good thing as this is not meant, to be funny painful and to drawn out.

There is very little to say which is good i guess the comedy voices, made for a humorous time which is not the idea i think.

This is just as bad as the other two the story you dont care .about as it so bad. No effort at all the speches, look and movie are appaling. Sorry i know ive not done a flash before ,and so i cant comment ,but even low quality flashes can be good with time and effort. This sems like none of these its like you dont care ,and are just wating time. I would not call thsi spam but its close to it. Sorry but its so short as to be a waste of time, calling it a series.

Ovreal make it longer.

review request club

Jaiba responds:

thanks for reviewing. i do have a bit of irish accent since i am from northern ireland, but i try to change my voice acting dramatically so you don't hear my accent, which may have turned out quite bad. these are one of my first few flashes. i've only had flash for one week since chapter 5 so you will see i'm a quick learner of flash. two more movies to go?! chapter 5 is the grand daddy of them all. but i have learned new stuff everyday so chapter 6 will be even longer and better.

Stop wasting the RRC's time

Sorry bro. This is a joke, and a very humorless one at that. I had high hopes when I watched the first chapter but now I don't want it to continue. Please request reviews from something you actually care about next time.

Jaiba responds:

i'll assure you it isn't a joke. i need to find a better voice actor, and writer. well for chapter 5 me and my good friend decided to do everything our selves, and i hope you'll give us another chance. chapter 5 in my opinion is the best work so far. sure i might not be as good as adam phillips but i'm getting there.