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Reviews for "FF6 Opera-Pella Fun"

Very original indeed

I just had what the fuck going threw my head the whole time but
at the same time i got it and i was busting out laughing.

way to capture the stupidity of every day life.

you get a ten! ^ ^

rooting for ya to get front page.


Now I have it in my head, too.
I usually get Snake Man's stage theme stuck in my head the most, though.
Other than basically looking in a mirror when a friend and I get a song in our head, this was great. The facial expressions were WAY over the top, but that's what made it even funnier.
Good job.

This was awesome!

The part after they go neeeeaaaaaaaahh at each others face then break it down just before the ending was great!! I loved the facial expressions without them it wouldn't be as funny as it is!


I laughed! I cried!


That was great it reminded me of the roxberry in that one scene do you remeber can't say i got all the way through ff6 though the story wasn't for me.