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Reviews for "FF6 Opera-Pella Fun"

Amazing XD

Tried to sync it up to the actual game going into the opera house...

Didn't work out so great. XP

For me, Zozo would aaaaaaaaaalways get stuck in my head... Kudos!

cant define how good this was

at first i thought you were making fun of it but after i saw it i watched it 20 times in a row and at random times i lip sing theme songs aaarg! awsome though


Going right into my favorites. The moogle bobble was a funny start, and it just got better. great job. For animating gibberish, it seemed to fit enough that It was almost professional. definatley better than anime where they just keep the mouth at the same position and keep opening it and closing it between frames. I'm giving this a straight up 10. take a bow.


I can relate to this because me and my buddy Christian occasionly do this on our way to the studio. Funny that theres a opera house in the middle of the freeway.

Jeeze its hilarious

Absolutely awesome. You can find it funny even if you don't play final fantasy. I definately know were you're coming from, cause if the song in the flash was saria's song from ocarina of time, I could say I've been in this identical situation (ya know, excluding the car crash)!