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Reviews for "Cardboard City"


Im sorry to have to say after all u guys have been through that I didnt like it, It lacked any story whatsoever and I got tired of watching it very fast, the music was ok, but kinda made me want to go to sleep, Though I have to admit the art concept was great and made me want to watch more I just got plain tired of the same thing over and over

Great job.

I loved the art and animation. Some people are just idiots.


i liked the music...that's about it

Pretty good

I thought it was good a use of talents by animators..Showed what real talent there is growing in the world now a days I think you all could do better but this is a good start I liked it 9/10

Turned out to be a waste after all

Ohai! It's been a long time since my last review, but remember - I'm always there, waiting to be summoned. As some of you may know I get the most out of the submission, so I can provide you with solid info on what is worth or not watching (of course I am not telling you what you should/not watch, but hey - you really should watch out). If you're still with me after reading the score and first line then it may mean (but don't get cocky, it's just maybe) that you're not an ordinary New Grounder, you're one of 'them'. What do you mean you don't know? Them, who always have better taste, who can divide cake from dog shit and generally speaking - won't be satisfied with cheap work.

That said let's get to the review. This time I decided to start with good things instead of the crappy ones, in this case it's definitely the pre loader. I think the applause should go to Coolio, as far as I see he has created it. Great job guys, I mean it. If you could upgrade it a lill bit and release it as a different product you really could huge audience. Plain and simple, this mini-game consumed much more of my time than the actual movie it self, I don't mean the loading time (it was secs in my case) but the fact that it really is fun, a thing that the creators of the collab probably forgot about! Oh crap don't tell me the good things ended up already... oh well, it's not like I am to be blamed.

As most of you know, making a good first impression is the key to victory, of course it might not work for more demanding part of public, but generally if the begging is good you are drawn to the film. Unfortunately this submission wasn't impressive in the beginning, or shall I say - not impressive at all. Some may say the art work was good and I can't disagree here, I believe everyone has his preferences (even if they are completely shitty) and blaming the graphics won't do any good, especially that you can create an awesome piece or art without any decent 'modelling' skills. However that doesn't mean you can throw anything inside and get a good score.

Your (authors) basic mistake is - like mentioned before by me, and maaaany other NGers - is that you forgot what the word 'fun' is. The entire submission is soaking with boredom wasting your first (and only if you ask me) big chance to show your stuff to bigger public. You can be praised, you can have front page, daily first, hell you can get even monthly first... But you can't change the fact, that the film sucked like Uwe Boll stuff. Well, maybe not as much, but hey - criticism is never soft. You create something, you show it to people and you have to be aware of 'them' (see 2nd paragraph).

What else - a yes, the Fan boys cry out in pain. "O hey, you know it's not always about fun, some films are suppose to be deap/have a meaning BLA BLA BLA BLA". Bullshit! If you want to give a message it can be deep and entertaining, the '2nd bottom' isn't about making nothing and calling it 'fabulous'! Even if there is anyone out there who thinks this film is deep and makes you think about stuff - HELLO! The impression is ruined by fucking old-as-4chan LAO0OoO0o0O0OZZZZZZzZR joke. Anything else? Maybe add some fart jokes next time, maybe some racist jokes, maybe still away from that LAO0OoO0o0O0OZZZZZZzZR!!!!!!!!111O1N1 O!!!ONEOENOENE

That being said it might seem like I hate producers. But no, I wish them best luck, I wish them more creative ideas, I even have high hopes for them.

But for now


Thank you for your time.