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Reviews for "I Am Canadian Cartoon"

Good, but why re-do an ad?

Good use of 3D Flash abilities, especially with the Maple leaves in the beginning. Good clean drawings, and good emulation of the ad, but it kind of leaves me wondering.... why? Why bother to re-do an ad in similar fashion? A little more originality would be nice.

Canada Rulez What we let you.

Yeah Canada is is fine country it will make a decent state someday. Probably better then Texas but worse then North dakota. Better be nice you Canadian fucks your Edmoniton mall has submarines than your entire fucking navy!
The only reasone we haven't invade your two bit country is we don't like back bacon. And we don't need any more women with hairy armpits. So shit your pie hole you canadian putz befor we send up a couple aging grannies to kick your lame, limpdick,,lousy food, dumbass labor force, good eh, candy asses and that goes for you french fucks as well Nuff said.


yeah, thats right, Canada rules so kiss my ass you ignorant peices of shit that think otherwise


it was ok.... the flash was good but canada still sucks... you should all kill yourselfs.... bye

Kick Ass

This Flash ownz, n so does Canada. And canada will win the olympic gold in hockey. Ow, and to zeed_777 who said Canada was under a monarchy. Only partly true. We make all our own laws and shit, only the queen (or the governor general representing her)has to sign it in, and they can't say no.