I got this game halfway through october last year for my birthday and STILL haven't beat it like what, eight months after i got it? I played it and made my characters complete shit (Totally screwed up their licenses by giving them random shit) then the second it glitched (penelo got perma silenced as soon i had her added to my party for a second time) then i got up to the boss fight in the tomb of raithwall (i think it was an esper fight, not the wall) nearly killed it(but that was mainly due to spamming quickenings), then my whole party got owned and i haven't played it since, but after seeing that i now feel like beating it just for the hell (it WAS elected RPG of the year after all so i guess i should beat it, plus the only ff game i ever beat was x-2, i know, i suck.) Well that's enough on my life story. Funny movie, got random around the end, but i like random, hell my sense of humour is extremely random.