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Reviews for "Xeno Tactic 2"


I don't like it. You changed way to many stuff. The upgrades do nothing. The regen enemies regenerate so fast you have to have the best cannons fully upgraded just to damange them. I didn't like having my cannons confined so badly.
It really made me mad when the fliers came from the top where ever they wanted to. It made it impossible to build defence for them. And the only two things that could shoot them were ether something that did nothing to them or a lazer turrent which the laser turrent was good but you had to save up over 100 for it each time it said there were flying enemys and try to place them while they were coming.

ummm pretty boring

it looks nice and all the upgrades don't do alot and the max upgrades really suck and u can't undo mistakes

there is so limited space for a good cannon tha cost 200 to put on 4 spaces
i donno but some units had so much armor that other low end units can't hit htem
btw its not even balance and this is just an other td defence which kinda suks
i only found only 1 cannon useful


im giving you a 2 out of 10 based on the graphics and implementations you used. However...based on the fact that your forcing people to go offsite to play the entire game is essentially the same as forcing people to go out and buy a ps3 to play a game, thats not caring about entertainment...thats not caring about the people...thats only caring about bringing a certain site more viewers...

lets move onto gameplay...the game itself in comparison to the xeno tactic 1 is dissapointing to say the least. Where the first, once you upgraded a unit completly, it gained a little boost per say, which was needed in order to survive the harder levels. This game just seems bland with the 3 seperate upgrades, perhaps removing the 10 level cap would allow for better gameplay. Having 3 turrets that attack air would be nice...if all 3 actually did something...the air turret misses a majority of the time, especially when going from one target to the next...the frost turret fully upgraded dosnt do anything worth mentioning, and the debuffer turret tends to stick to a single target and becomes useless...

Keeping up with air attacks, why would you have them come from the top of the screen? in all seriousness i find it hard to accept that it was thought to be a good diea...of course nerfing the turrets and such maybe you saw it as a good idea as so the normal turrets diddnt in the way of the air turrets...each acting seperatly...just go back to adding air support to the basic turrets and people will be a lot happier.

onto ground turrets, compared to the first xeno, this one seemed too different for me to like, i diddnt mind the fact that i couldn't build mazes and such, though i missed that feature, but i did miss the fact that my turrets were severly underpowered and upgrades diddnt seem to make that much of a difference. Overall, everything was a bit too slow. The "splash" damage i couldnt find a use for considering the fact that the enemies were generally too far apart to recieve any kind of splash damage, rendering any special useless.

Again with the upgrades, forcing players to choose between the 3 and only allowing a total of 10 upgrades, putting it all into speed or power, the choice always comes down to power as speed dosnt increase enough to make any difference. likewise if you went with range, you might get an extra hit in, but it wont make a difference if you cant hurt the enemy.

if you do end up making a 3rd which i look forward too...please take into consideration these reviews that we have all written, dont be a sellout...(you can play the demo here, but to play the whole game, go here or here) i refuse to take part in promoting other sites while this site gets nurfed, and if i had my way, doing such things would cause the game itself from being removed.

Bring back the styling of xeno 1, a game that we all loved, a game we all played.

Not that good

Not nearly as fun as the first and a lot more difficult.

this isnt xeno

xeno tactic was fun because you could make a maze and quickly delete and build stuff to juggle them back and forth throughout the maze. THAT is what made if fun, but this, this killed it, i cant even consider this xeno tactic. I hope you make an actual xeno tactic 2 instead of whatever this is supposed to be. True the graphics are better, but does that really matter when the game play is dead? I imagined this as the first one plus better graphics and new enemies with their own characteristics/behavior some new maps that arent all square and maybe more than just 2 enemy lines. I guess i was wrong. Nice try?