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Reviews for "We are the ONE."


This is nice and all but you seemed to have posted this flash twice!

Just, Amazing...

It was briliant to say the least! It really made you think. It was clear you had used some sort of 3D software - if not I would be worried! - but it was used very well. Sadly though I thought the people dancing went on for a little long but a nice ending made you forget it,
Nice work :)

Awesome thought and delivery

I think this idea would be beautiful. Too put a peaceful end to a senseless war would bring nothing but joy. The only problem is both parties need to want this. Until you actually go over to the country and see the self inflicted poverty and muck their culture stoops itself into you won't understand what it would take to bring about that kind of peace. I am a medic, I seek to heal those in need and I have worked on both friend and foe, as ungrateful as they might be. The people on that culture are highly religious and not as educated as most might think which can lead to leaders that don't have the teachings of religion in their mind or false interpretations of those teachings and people just blindly follow. Knowledge is the key to peace. Learn. Live. Then love. The path to peace.

The eight stars are for the animation only.

The animation was perfect and all, (except for stealing the COD4 dialogue) but what are you saying? Are you saying that we should just pull out of Irag and Afghanistan? What would happen then? The problem would just grow up and be an even bigger problem.
Getting rid of all our weapons won't solve the worlds problems! If we did that, then the bad guys would see their chance and annihilate us all. You can't convince these people to put their guns down and stop fighting with little movies about people dacncing in front of the Eiffel Tower.
I agree that everybody loses in war, but war is something that will be around forever. It's just human nature. It's never gonna go away.
Also, have you forgotten 9/11? It makes me sick to hear people say "We need to forgive them" or "we need a time out to cool off"! THESE PEOPLE KILLLED SEVERAL HUNDRED RELATIVELY INNOCENT CIVILIANS FOR THEIR OWN ENJOIYMENT. What is there to forgive? They haven't repented. They didn't say sorry.

I don't know how to end this, but I think you get the point PM me if you disagree. I like a good argument.


Its a nice message, war does suck and peace is much better, great animation, but the end part of all the languages saying love is one, was long, could have been sped up, didn't need the entire song, plus I don't know the other languages, but french you put Je t'aime which means I like you if you wanted I love you it would be Je t'adore. I can't believe you used COD4 sound effects from the level war pig, Seriously?? :P

All of that earns you a 3/5, but for the message its an easy 4/5

Now here is my problem with the reviewers below:

"you guys are fucking idiots, no offense or anything"
Yeah, you say war sucks and that if an American solider put his gun down in front of an extremist that he would blow himself up TO GET HIS MESSAGE ACROSS, while we apparently are over there to stop them from doing that, Bravo my rightist friends!

WWII? No-one was protesting that? Actually there were WWII protests, but it was along the lines of "What have the Europeans done for us?" The 'terrorists' aren't invading our allies in a complex series of alliances started by a Megalomaniac is trying to take over all of Europe. No, hardly obviously. The people that we label are terrorists are poor individuals that have been ignored by the west, and cling to their religious beliefs that we must all suck, and deserve to die. The message that they are trying to get across is basically that.

The scenes of the American soldier blowing the guys head off point blank? Yeah, that extremist looked like he was well armed and had a bomb strapped to his chest! The guy was looking at a picture of his mother for Christ's sake.

lol good thought, funny thing about that is that is what gets us into wars in the first place, everyones doing it, so why not us? "These people are soseopaths , and they don't fear death, and they want THEIR message across." Okay, first of all its 'sociopaths'. And they want THEIR message across? Well being the superpower of the world, we can't let an oppressed people speak out! now can we? Heaven forbid, we listen and be nice to people!

Peace will never happen? The day when all nations learn to love eachother (as the flash clearly states) and lay down their arms, respect eachother, and learn to tolerate one another's religion culture and the way everyone does what they gotta do is the final end to war.

but, why not tell peace through war? Cool, thats a good idea too, he didn't just show how much war sucks, and thrown in a touching message like "love is one" at the end of it and let people think for themselves.
Oh, wait, do you mean WW3? Thats a good plan too, we should start it and it could be just like what Einstein said
"I don't know what weapons World War Three will be fought with, but World War four will be fought with sticks and stones."

That is of course if there is a WW4

We have nukes now, not much stands in our way of annihilating all of mankind as we know it. Maybe we should turn our already dieing earth into another rock in outer space, maybe some aliens will find our remains and MAYBE think that we were wrong to annihilate each other.

Also, I believe, catch me if I'm wrong, That 'Hippies' as you call them prefer the term, to reference them by, 'Rationalists'

Sorry, I think the Pat Buchanan show is back on, I'll leave you to your Sunday night programs.