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Reviews for "Fates Worse Than Death"

Even an Ad can belong on NG

And this was a good example. I didn't mind the lack of dialog... if you had something happen at the end. Even just the first moment of the fight as those people went to get the bad guy and maybe a moment of fear in his eyes. Something like that. I say this because you did a good job of making me wonder what was going on, but I felt let down at the end.
Great animation.


Nice ad....


I think that the art of animation is not only about the drawings.

The story, if there was any was really bad, the animation is quite good but it can be greatly improved and the drawings where quite good, a lot of attention in the details, just keep it up that way and your next attemps will be far better I can say

Great short film anyway!


like itd be a fun game, especially that crazy grafter and hobo class. but when it comes down to it, you should tone down that godawful music and maybe insert some subtitles and a lil reasoning, without reading your comments, the whole thing made no sense at all. good job, but poor delivery.


You say it's a short animation, but it's presented as a preview. Which is it? If it's the latter, I'm about 99.8% positive that it will never come to fruition. If it's the former, what's the point? Is there an actual story to it, or is this just a visualized skeleton of a concept?

It's pretty well-executed, but there's still a lot to be desired from it. The artwork is good, particularly in the scenery, though you have some definite issues with proportion in your figures. More importantly, while there are some tidbits of good animation, there's something in this movie that REALLY bothers me: the walk cycles. They're terrible. Every last one of them. Stiff, awkward, not even slightly natural. The sense I get is that you've really reached beyond your capacity as an artist. It's a problem commonly experienced, and it's admirable that you managed to get a fairly polished product out of your efforts, but in the end, it's just not a smart way to go about things.

You've clearly got talent and the dedication to put it to good use, but this movie of yours is lacking in some very fundamental areas, and simply falls flat in front of a discerning eye (as few and far between as those may be on Newgrounds). These characters have been put on a screen and forced to move as puppets; you need to develop your skills and learn to bring these people to life.