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Reviews for "Matrix Pandemonium"

it was pretty good

i really dislike the ethereal form ability, especially since you lose health when you uncover them. a lot of times, they immediately use the ability again and rape you. i guess that would be true to the movie though.

this one was better than rampage though. you can use the dropping damage to your advantage by having enemies jump down on each other.

Its alright....

You need more characters that you can play, like trinity or sumthing and being able to play some bad guys too and haveing their special powers. I would also like another special attack ( you dont really need to).

Press ESC when your in free mode =P and when near agents.

awesome game

lol i went on one with 2 tall buildings, was surrounded at the top and leaped between, most of the agents didnt make it


im sorry man, it wasnt all that great, you should add new weapons, and add new moves, like jumping off of walls and dodging bullets real slow, its a good game, but could be better.


this game is great