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Reviews for "Filtered Reality"

wow this is really cool

this is a fantastic work of art and great story telling now heres something to think about it have you ever had a dream were you died i have had one and it was truly creepy i was in a war typical right and i was cut down by this enormous bear of a man with an axe i returned the favor when he sliced me i stabbed him but when i died the dream didnt end i was standing there third person watching freinds weep over me i called out to them saying i was still alive but they couldnt here me it was then i relized it was all a dream i wanted it to continue because i was curious but sadly i woke well now that you know my whole lifes story i would like you to know great flash i wish there were more like it


It means nothing a dream is just thout and memorys that scater your mind as your body rests sometimes these thouts and memorys will set FOLS messeges to your body Like PANIC and your heart will start to race as if it hase 2 .. you'r brane makes dreams and controls your body parts .. thats why some ppl sleep wolk but most of all it controls your heart sometimes when your sleep .. as we all know your heart is Involentary when you are awake but what about when you sleep? ppl have been known to stop ther heart by going into a deap sleep ... but ya it means nothing


It's strange, after coming to this site for a couple years now I've never seen anyone make a flash to interpret a dream, only flashes of nonsensical dreams that seemed entertaining. My interpretation is simple, I'd rather not get down to what everything means cause the main point is really only needed. If you want to be happy, you must keep going, full capacity whenever you can. You will be protected by...something, I can't tell you what cause even I have trouble figuring it out but know there is always better, and always worse can happen. Your choice makes the difference.

btw, good flash, nice artwork but some music in the background would be nice

TheMillz responds:

Thanks for reviewing and sharing your interpretation. There was music by the way. It's called "voices", I didn't want it too loud so you can still hear the nararator.


very nice flash, well you want an opinion so heres my(stupid) interpretation.
Your dream definitely means something, first the running part, running in a dream is sometimes a symbol of either you are running away from a problem, or maybe yourself, and the nets...the nets might be the challenges you are being faced with for trying to change yourself or solving whatever problem, now the building, since the front wall is missing, a pretty vital part of a building, that might mean that you're missing something vital too....im not so sure about the third person thing, but i often feel pain in dreams and i've come to realize that its the memory of the feeling of the sort of pain, but hey, thats just me..so yeah, there ya go XD if you got any questions or stuff just pm me

Your dream

I too have had dreams I can remember vividly. I rarely dream, but when I do, and I happen to remember them, it's usually a dream where at some or other point I was uncomfortable or experienced anxiety. On particularly special occasions I'd wake with my eyes shut and recall my nearly my entire dream before--while effictively paralysed by fear. These are the dreams I remember most of all.

Your dream is spooky, creepy, red, symbolic, impersonal (at first), tense, and quite frankly (if I'm not mistaken--from personal experience) you may have interpreted it as an omen of some kind.

Running running running, trees, dark road, three, fire, up high, house without a side and the red raining skies above. You--yourself as something else perhaps you--who you are. RUNNING so as to not stop yet perfectly see clear what it means might not. A small detail(perhaps something you missed) more significant than any other amidst the mist. Knowing not percieving is the strangest sensation never explained.