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Reviews for "Drone Wars"


its good but it feels like its missing something also there are bit that you can improve
e.g. you can make more than one unit at a time
i dont no but still a gd game

I agree whit last one

good game but it still feels like it would need something more beneath bone and skin.
and you should little bit improve controls too.
and make bit longer story mod like there would be mission where you need to attack enemy planet or something.

Really Like It!

Yeah I got sucked in, its a really good game, maybe a sequel with better graphics??? :P

Good, but could be improved.

The game was good, and so is the concept.

However, the game plays too slowly. You can't make more than 1 drone at a time and the better drones, such as the silo drone take very long to build. This makes the game play too slowly.

Also, I can't seem to select multiple units even if they are surrounded in the box. Seems like a bug to me.

In addition, when I have selected a drone and I tell it to move somewhere, then I go back to click on another drone to select it, unless if the circle around the drone appears, clicking will result in the previously selected drone to move to the area.
And the bad part of this is that sometimes, the part where the circle appears is not on the drone but instead on empty space.
This makes it very annoying to move a bulk of drones around.

Anyway, the AI doesn't seem to be very smart, they build weak units and send them off for a suicide attack against my silo drones.

Also, beacuse it takes a long time to make drones, espically aggressive drones, it becomes much better to just camp and build up an army of silo drones to take over he entire map instead of making much more of any other type of aggresssive drones.
This is due to the fact that it will take way too long to create many drones as compared to just creating 3 or 4 silo drones which is more than enough to take over the entire map.

Nevertheless, this is still a very good game.


really fun! i love a good rts and this is one of them. definatly worth a try.