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Reviews for "Drone Wars"


needs a save button. maybe some more units, and levels would be nice too. AND it really needs a que, the ability to have the mothership build more than one unit at a time.

Not bad

What killed this game was the whole " You have 6 min" time thing you had going.

Needs to upgrade

Hi!Good game,but could be better if you add in a few improvements...

First of all,you should add in more levels and make them a bit easier(lvl7 is DEADLY).
Second, add in a queue option and building 2 things at a time (Silo drone or repair drone...)
Third MAKE DRONES CHEAPER(I got literaly BLOWN UP by enemies on survival mode) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And finally,ADD IN MORE UNITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you do what I said,or I'm NEVER gonna play this again.

Good start upon which one could improve

I would say that this game shows a good deal of promise. I am rather interested in how you've managed to get the matter of balancing your technological requirements with a budget of resources and time. I would, however, recommend a few changes were you to make another game in this style.

Firstly, the first few levels were somewhat akin to a tutorial of sorts. This by itself is not an issue seeing as it's a very well known and respected means of breaking a new player into the game. However, when you only have 8 levels, then that does become somewhat problematic. I would say, therefore, that making more levels after the "tutorial" part of the game would be a must.

Secondly, the game can take a little too long to get building of any real sort under way. A fair number of people have mentioned the fact that being limited to building only 1 craft or technology at a time is irksome. I would agree with this assessment seeing as you are very often in a situation in which you have to choose between upgrading your defence, offence, speed or resources or your fleet. Being able to perform multiple operations would be an improvement.

Thirdly, I found on occasion that the controls could be somewhat annoying at times: when I click on one craft, the game thinks that I'm ordering a previously selected craft to go to its sibling's location. Hopefully, this can be resolved easily enough.

I hope that that helps you with any future ideas you may have. Asides from these issues, you've still made a very good game: the fact that each drone has a different visual range does help to make things somewhat more tactical.

Good game

Great gameplay, was good fun. Could do with making it easier to click on units though because sometimes its hard to issue attack orders. Also The game was very short with only 2 main levels and a survival mode thats got quite repetative.