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Reviews for "ScientLOLojyuuichi!!"


I laughed so hard I blew a thetan.

LULZunlimited responds:

Ew. That sounds like an application of rule 34.


HOLY CRAIPS!!!!!!!!!! i just realized its 2 days till 2/10/08*DunnDunnDUNNNNNNN*

LULZunlimited responds:

Do you have a mask yet???!?!??!?! I recommend printing out a pic of Tom Cruise's face and gluing it onto a $1 plastic alien mask or something. And don't forget the eyeholes! ;D


That was the funiest thing i have ever seen! People On he InterWbz!!!!1 Holy Shit, A Slap Fight!!! Scientology is Bullshit, But it's Funny

So dang catchy!

I've watched that about five times within two days. It's that good! One question, though: how come Tom Cruise's voice changes half way through the movie? At first, it's kinda nasally, then it becomes really high-pitched. What happened?! I demand an answer! I feel I deserve one...


this was so funny. make more pweeese.