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Reviews for "Valhalla Knights 2"

Valhalla Knights 2

it was good but i was lost due to the fact that i have not seen the first one so yeah still good job

OK 5

was ok, nothing special
sound was good,
vocals were very bad,
graphics were good and story was cool

feels borrowed.

There was something troubling me about this movie and the fact I didn't enjoy it, and I worked it out quite early on in. It's extremely cliche. Most elements of it, from the anime hair with the one strand in the front of the face, to the 'protect her...' last living words bit..

Whilst the animation was satisfactory, and ultimately i've seen one too many attempts at anime to rate it anything higher, everything felt like it was borrowed from somewhere. it wasn't at all original in my view, despite it attempting to be just that.

Not as great as people are making it out to be

It's funny because I really enjoyed the first 20 or so seconds of the last one, as the plot started to come in I let the poor animation and cheesey diologue go because WOW those were some well animated 20 seconds. Now here we are years later at the second episode and it really wasn't worth the wait. The girl in this episode looked NOTHING like the girl in the last one, your drawings are inconsistant, it's pretty bad when their original artist can't keep them looking from one drawing to the next.

The main character's one long strand of hair that seems to have a mind of it's own....seriously what the heck is that? It looks like his hair is constantly in zero gravity while everything else is normal....it looks bad. Learn to animate many strands of hair or leave the one stupid strand out of it. Sorry I'm harping on this so much but it looks really really stupid.

The story is not getting better, I mean yeah I understand his dad died but him constantly talking out loud to his dead father makes him look like a pussy, he loses his job so he goes to take a stroll in the park and talk to his dead dad....yeah thats a logical train of thought.

You can animate some really nice stuff when you take your time and don't cut corners, please bring back the girl from the first movie the way we all remember her as, and lets try and flesh out the story....two necklaces fighting it out is cool and all but so far I haven't seen anything that really interests me.

I gave it a 5 because it's better than a lot of stuff on Newgrounds but nothing amazing, good luck on Valhalla Knights 3, I really hope to see some improvement. Hopefully you appreciate criticism over blind slobbering praise.

Nice, but a few changes might improve it...

First of all, It was an interesting story. A little unoriginal in places, with the necklaces but I think we can excuse that. I would say that I didn't much like the style of the animation, the characters looked a little weird and too anime-esque which I guess is down to personal preference in the end. When the girl pops out of nowhere I did think it was odd he just left her to lay down there, giving him a jacket to give to her would of been a good idea i think. Overall it was ok but I think the animation could of been a lot smoother and a little less tweeny. Hope this helps...