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Reviews for "Rambo2: First Slug"

Good idea.

It was a good idea, but I feel the sheer number of "Thank you" sounds are a littele over the top, and it the duration of the film was not offset by its humor (though it has a good chance at being quite humorous with the idea of mixing Rambo with Metal Slug). If you used more portions of Rambo and evened out your audio, you could make this idea into a high quality video.

This is pretty good.

So what if its a movie clip with sound effects.Rambo does match metal slug.The sounds are pretty well timed and make perfect sense.If you never played a Metal Slug game before,you wouldnt find this entertaining. I did.


But it could've been better with some of the displays (the ammo, time, score, whatever else was on it) of the metal slug series and if it ended with the "mission complete". Other than that, it was funny.


Haha, lol nice.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! "
Nice idea too, reminded me of Metal Slug when I saw it aswell... Never would have thought of doing that though.


That was a funny idea.