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Reviews for "Street Fighter Series pt2"


Who the hell is sean?...

mortis5000 responds:

Sean is Ken student!


a bit of a copy. you used the effects from mk vs sf 1 and even made sean have raidens voice. >.> other than that it was great

mortis5000 responds:

Does sean have raiden teleporting sound.....yes.
Did i sound rip from the actual game........yes.
Did I copy off of mk vs sf......no.

Very nice

Graphics: 90/100
Very nice, a huge improvement from your last submission. I did not give you full marks; because I am not a huge fan of sprites 'cause they pixalate when you get up close to them. Also, it takes more talent to draw your own stuff then to get if off of the web. However, on that note if I were to ever make my own vids they would probably be sprites so yeah I shouldn't ripe on them too bad.

Audio: 95/100
Great use of backround music, and I love how you cut it out after Sean had turned all dark and evil and started to attack Ken. Now, if only other flash users would learn from you. However, the coffing(yes I know I can't spell) did get a bit repetitive, and some swishes when they misssed might not be a bad ideal. Other then that very nice, and it is always a good thing when the only thing people can find wrong with your stuff is stupid little stuff.

Story: 75/100
Much better, and for the most part I could actually follow the story-line. There were still some parts I did not understand, so I cannot tell if it was good story telling or you following some one else's story that is why I cannot give you full marks. So, take my score on this with a grain of salt, I believe is how the saying goes or is it a grain of sand. Anyways, just understand I am looking at it from an outsiders perspective.

Replay value: 75/100
I would watch it again. Although, there is nothing to in the video to make me go I have to watch it again (like a choice to do something or an easter egg [Yes, I understand that you are telling your story, but it is stuff like that, that makes people want to watch videos again.])

Innovation: 0/0
Why 0/0 because I do not know enough about Street Fighter to tell what is original and what is not. So, why have a category for it? Because on this review I have come to the decision that every review I do should have an innovation category because it is just that important.

Overall score: 335/400 = 84/100
I gave you a 4/5 on the score.

I huge improvement from your first video. Keep this up and you might just get a 5/5, ten stars from me, which is extremely hard to do given my rating system.

mortis5000 responds:

Alright thank you for your reviews there excellent!

Pretty good

A nice movie a little slow to start off with but it becomes quite above average by the end.

Graphically it was grand, just seemed to be missing that charm or free flowing ness of some Street Fighter movies. But liked the use of the actioncam and the slight changes in the working and colours of the characters, not to mention the pretty looking backdrop.

The sound was good the old school sound effects mixed with the new songs, really worked,

Overall the movie was good,the dialogue was a bit tiresome but the fighting soon picks it up. Quite well done, few flaws but they could be overlooked.

=Review Request Club=

mortis5000 responds:

Thank You...I will most surely change how my dialog so there is no conflicting or drowning out the text with the background

Not bad...

Well...i don´t have much too say...let me see...
The animations are very good and the musics are nice too.It´s a pretty good job.It´s a bit short too and the dialogs are a bit boring and the background isn´t bad.But´s it´s a good movie.Keep up the good work man!See you later(Or not...)!

mortis5000 responds:

Thanks (or maybe not) lol