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Reviews for "Faith Fighter"

Rough controls, bad gameplay

The game controls are bad and it is impossible to lose. You should have made the specials a different button altogether, like a letter. It took me a while to learn what the fire button was. Make an instruction thingy on the main menu. Sorry.

Good game

Why this game wasn't invented before? The concept is just so nice! I imagine Flanders from the Simpsons playing only with Jesus...

I know you are not making any updates but some old gods could fit into the game.

Odin (german mythos): Odin's spear (ranged attack), Twin eyes (2 ravens swirls around Odin for a couple of seconds), Valkyrie's call (Odin take a cellphone and summon a Valkyrie to fight for him!).

Eluhim (Raƫl thinks that Eluhims created man): Taser (same as Xenu), Speed of light (teleport), genuine cloning (create a dumb clone of the Eluhim to dish damage for him).

And many others... but i am a kind of slackers and i don't program so i just hope that this will inspire others... wink wink!

Soooo awesome

Violent and Controversial! My favorite
Perfect except it needs more gods


now we can settle all of are religen disputes with vutual violence whooza!

the only problem i have with it is it needs more gods


This game is so incredible! FINALLY somebody isn't scared to show Muhammed(THANK YOU)! I can't say appropriatly express how much I liked this game. Gameplay was pretty good but, the main reason I liked it was because I got to see my favorite religious figures violently beat each other. And the last boss was awesome even though I totally called it being ***********