nicely done
now thats a cute little peashy right there. :3
nicely done
now thats a cute little peashy right there. :3
& heres a badass adorable peashy
do u mean badlands the game thats comming out tho i doubt you do n hell id buy that t-shirt
There's only so much you can fill into an as cartoonish drawing as this.
Great job, mate.
A prettydecent idea
Ok so i guess this was for a T-Shirt, guess thats what the red is for, the drawings of all the characters piled up, that was actually a neat idea, just makes the outter part of the shirt somewhat bland but its your idea and for the mostpart it is pretty interesting, wouldnt mind some color in there besides just the red and pinks, but overall this was pretty good if you ask me, so nice work here, i liked it.
So maybe just abit of added color, and something for the bland spots on the sides.