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Reviews for "Black Sails"

Its good, but it needs work

I like the game system. Its easy to use, well designed, and nice looking. The music is very good as well.

Unfortunately, it has a really annoying flaw, and a couple of minor ones.

First, and most important, is camera drift. If you and another boat are trading shots right against the edge of the map, the camera has a tendancy to drift away from view until you don't even know where you are anymore. You should upgrade it so that the camera stays centered on your craft at all times. This is incredibly irritating to deal with as you must physically manuver your ship to get the camera to reset to where you can see again.

For some small improvements, I suggest adding a trading system or missions. The game is a fun combat simulator, but that's all it is. It has the potential to be a lot more.

You did do a really good job on the game engine though. Make a few minor improvements and fix the camera problem and it could be top 50 material.

Oh, and for people complaining about difficulty?
Upgrade your guns. Seriously. The first thing you want to concentrate on is longer ranged cannon. If you can sit back and shell someone without getting hit yourself, you can pretty much win any battle if your ammunition holds out. Hell, Nelson did that at Trafalger.

Searching for enemy-> worst thing in this game :(

Ok, I got 40 k gold now, and I've been fighting like a half hour against of one ship, or actually two, but first one I killed in no time. But searching for enemy's in low moving ship from 400x400m map whitout any help... It's destroy every game, in spite of how good the game is otherwise :(

Needs more hentai

Just kidding. It takes a lot from Sid Meier's Pirates! Suggestions: Add actual trading. Instead of just buying supplies, you can sell on prices going up and down at each town. Also add the Dutch, and make upgrading cannons easier. I didn't know if I was actually upgrading them or not. And more ways to earn money...Maybe add the charming the governer's daughter, without the stupid dancing thing.

its hard but good

i die so fast but i still like it.
but if it got more kind of battle it'll be more perfect.
ur grafic not bad not likes mine.......

Good game, but some things I don't get

Like the title says, there's some things I'd like to know about.
For starters, why should you buy a contract to fight for a country, imo it seems more reasonable that the country should pay you to fight for them. I don't see mercenaries pay some country money so they could die for that country =)

Second, the goal is to conquer all towns, but when you do conquer one, it should be yours, but instead you can attack it again the second you leave. Why would you attack a town you own, and why would your own people who you put there fight against you? Doesn't really make any sense to me.

And last a little suggestion: when you do capture a town, you should get some benefits, like a number of free crew members you can recruit in your own town, or a cheaper market. Now it costs alot of time to prepare an attack on some bigger towns, and when you get one, you have to start gathering gold again for the next, you win absolutly nothing.

Besides that I enjoyed the game, good job =)