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Reviews for "The Air We Breathe"


now if people would quit being cry babies about the whole climate change im sure you would have much better reviews. however people are awefully stupid so dont hold your breath...

i liked it alot, must have been a bitch matching the music though, heh, that always gets people. not too much motion other than picture changes, but the actions were very smoothly done, kudos!

Politics aside.

It's not a bad flash. It had a few subtle bits that I liked but nothing I haven't seen before. Audio was good, the visual syncing was good, the actual visuals were good. It's a 4/5 8/10 purely because of the, overdone, noir style. That is all too common from the "Art" comunity. I do disagree but that put aside, It's a pretty good flash.


The co2 level means only so little to the global warming. the rest is just natural. And humans only have 1/24 influence on that co2 level. I'm not saying global warming is total bullshit, it's just (total bullshit)-(a litlle bit of 1/24 bullshit). I think people are totally overreacting. anyway, good movie tough. Liked th mix between flash and pictures.


SirNightOwl has a point, Art although very controversial, unique, weird sometimes even scary stands for something, the best art is typically art that opposes something, your message here was pollution I got some of the suttle imagery but still.. Makes me think of the art piece that was 3 urinals laid on their side they stood for something we call icon art today, the art meant that not all art had to be overally pretentious masterpieces created from only the finest materials (another good reason to pick urinals) but the irony there was that his art piece is now worth millions which was supposed to represent anti art and the pretentious millions spent on art but also the fact it brought forward more worthless artists who are willing to place in many careful words distasteful rubbish in stupid angles that oppose to real artists and talent. to get to a point here make your art controversial make it stand out.. but most of all give it good REASON! I'm sure thats something they taught you at art school :P.

good but...

the flash was a little choppy, but the music was well placed and the imagery was spot on. however it doesn't tell me anything i didn't know, "pollution is bad". well no shit.