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Reviews for "-=[ The Dawn of Time ]=-"

Great work here

Dont worry dude, your not alone, i go from 5 to 2.50... i know who is doing this to us.. its that dude B0UNC3... hes jealous.. he doesnt want us to get higher ratings then him... theirfor he votes 0 on ours, and that -WV- dude too. They think they are better then everyone else. Anyways, this track is awesome.. good job here bro!

P.S. Check out my music!!
5/5 from me dude!


I love it... just like all of your songs I can't stop listening.. you just have that touch.. something about that reverberating, echoing, airy, myserious feel...like a..Castlevania song makes you feel- almost kinda scary but oddly uplifting. ~Sigh.~ Who cares what people vote on your stuff, we know you're real, and original, and the people who take time to review are the people who really care. You've said this before, your fans are your reward, and we'll always be here to support you. =) Good luck.



Hey there!

The synth in the begginging has a great feel.
The percussions are awesome, they give an awesome sound to the track.
Your melodies are pretty freakin sweet, great job on that.
And the piano fits in so well, for most people its hard to do, but you've accomplished it.
The bassline, could be better, but it doesn't sound bad by any means.
The piano solo now. Well done, hardly ANYONE can do this at all. And those who try, often fail. Not you.
Once again the melodies are beautiful.

This track has a really nice overall feel, and sound. The only cons I could point out were the percussions in the rest of the song, they're aren't very many, nor are they variated, just
open high hat on the off beats and a clap or snare on the 2'nd and 4th beat.

Great job on this XsToRmEr!


XsToRmEr1 responds:

For my next piece, I plan on putting some extra effort in my percussion. I usually have a hard time in the percussion department because it isn't exactly something I'm good at. Thanks for the review. I truly appreciate it, along with the previous, encouraging rewiews. :)

i'm using

THIS AS AN EPIC "BOSS BATTLE" THEME FOR AN ENEMY, that just keeps coming back to fight the decendants.

YOU ARE THE FRICKING BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!