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Reviews for "-=[ The Dawn of Time ]=-"


Can't get much better.


This is great!Cool music, I love everything in this one, don't know what is other guys problems(3.33/5 what the?).
Just great that is all. :)

XsToRmEr1 responds:

Yeah, lately I've been getting pelted with "0" votes. Whenever I submit a song, the rating will plummet (5.00 to 3.50 to 3.33 and so on) within a few minutes. I know my songs don't suck that bad, so somebody hates me and decided to bombard me with bad votes. If this continues, I'll just leave Newgrounds and work on a CD that I can distribute through my website.

please don't

u hafta realize that voting is kinda odd here, in this one i gave u a 5 and it went up from 3.57-3.75. which is a lot considering so in a few minutes going from 5 to 3.33 probably means like 2 or 3 people gave it a 0. hopefully it will all even out once more people hear this awesome work and by than it should even out. hope it helps(andi'mright).


XsToRmEr1 responds:

I realize how the voting system works here: it's just the simple system of averages. But the thing is, it doesn't just even out easily here at NG, at least for me. I've seen some songs in the techno portal last for days at 5.00. When I submit something it'll stay at 5.00 for about 20-30 minutes before being smacked down to 3.5 or worse. This started happening since I submitted "The Last", and it's been consistently happening to my newest submissions. Before "The Last", this never happened. I was able to stay in the 4.0-5.0 range for a while before dipping down into the 3's. Even after that, I would have gotten a nice amount of reviews/votes. I'm grateful that "Flames of the Sky" has been voted on by many people, because it is firmly planted in the 4.0-4.1 range, keeping it afloat in the techno portal. That song is my only gateway for attention.

I really hate to sound conceited, but it just pisses me off that a select person(s) is blatantly keeping my work down. I come to Newgrounds to get feedback on my music. If I'm stuck getting only one review every 2-3 weeks, then I have no use for this site.

Like you said, things should get better. I'm really hoping so.

Your last reply said you regretted this?

I find that odd. I really enjoy this piece. I have two of your songs on my itunes playlist; this first and then Flames of the Sky. They blend really well into each other. I like this one more though. I think the bridge is more powerful. I don't get into techinal crap because 1)I don't have the technical know-how and 2)The overall feeling seeps into my skull. This one does. Although I am sad to see you go, as are most people, (for the downloading ease, mostly) I'll continue to check out your site. You probably won't see/reply to this, but this is a goosebump worthy song, so as long as you have the ability to ooze out feeling, there will always be people to drink it in. I am one of them.

XsToRmEr1 responds:

Thanks. I sorta have mixed feelings about this piece, but it's nice to know that people like it.


nice techno man!!