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Reviews for "Multfilm (Opa Novy God!)"

So Peter

This song reminds me of so long ago of my Peter, brings back memories of old times in this city. Animation, the music, everything has Petersburg soul.
Udachi vam!


Que buena animación hermano... Te mereces 10 puntos, y quizás mas.. Lo que pasa es que la página no me lo permite. Saludos desde Argentina...

Best collab I've seen on Newgrounds

I'm not a big fan of collabs in general, but that was definitely the best one that I've seen on Newgrounds. The music was catchy, and the drawings were good and rather poetic at times. Of course it made no sense as a whole, but there was enough scope and creativity in it to make it genuinely enjoyable.

I'm kinda sad that the score is so low (3.85 as I write this, and you didn't even win a daily award), but I think you'll do much better if you submit this to actual film festivals. Newgrounds is good for exposure, but its audience is a bit crude.

I hope you win a review crew award or something, at least.

Many artists that I like took part in this. A question, though: why didn't you add the people who have Newgrounds accounts as "authors", why just scarydoll?

Scarydoll responds:

You know, I didn't find any multiple artists option in the submission interface so I credited them in description. Anyway, I am the one who organized and directed the whole event and done the editing. Thanx for your comment!
PS I don't really care about awards. My point is to have fun while creating something. I hope everybody who animated and view this video had their fun either ))

nicely done mate :P

O! prikolna zdelano, dolga risavalji?

Scarydoll responds:

Ne pomnu, s leta, navernoe.

Weird,Whack and Russian ! But by god its a classic

Love the hand drawn stuff, clever how you all did it around the street and your house.