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Reviews for "Bigger Fish"

this is good game

i eat like 30 fish...


I liked it. I was thinking ugh, another fish game but it was surprisingly good. People saying the controls suck, I like the controls, they're what makes the game different.... I played this for a good 15 mins and once you learn the controls its easy and fun. Good job anyway.


im a real big fan of fishy butttt this ones pretty cool, wish the controls were like fishy though, i cant go from those kind of controls to these kind, guess im a newb....very cool otherwise though.

Not bad...

...It's a nice game but you should make the control easier. I give you 7/10

different from others

the controls were kidda hard to get a hold of and i was scared to eat some fish cause i didn't know if i was big enough but other then that i was a fun game to play