His head exploded!
His head exploded!
YEAA it did! LOL =D
Good, now you must make an entire series of things that make you angry so I can find you and use your own creations against you mwahahaha.
You speak the truth man!
I always mute the PC and put some portable tunes on when on myspace. Fucking screamy bollocks.
Anyways, the flash was well paced, the punchline was sweetly delivered and it wasn't overly drawn out. Only thing that you could improve is the drawing (they're a little on the stickmen side). And maybe some frame by frame to compensate for all the tweening?
Sound was great too, can't wait for more.
thanks for the review =D
in the sequel (due to popular demand) i will try a sketch in non stick, and see how i do .. i think it might be too early for me since i only started in the summer and havn't animated at all compared to all these pros - BUT it's best to give it a go so that people like you can tell me how i can improve on it in my next movie :)
you know...
your speakers do have a button. you CAN turn them off :3
anyway didnt go for long but... i do get the general idea
It sure does!
Yeah, that's annoying.