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Reviews for "Fear Unlimited 2 Issue 1"

nice but very notiacble flaws

iam a fan of the first one and i agree with everyone something is missing in this that the first one had a certin speed to it also the bugs are killing this game to name onethat i havet seen posted yet it seems that whenever you go back to mission select the diffcutly seems to reset to standard so that why the mission 3 boss is so hard if you play on easy die or something the boss is now even harder to get it back to easy or wussy you have to play and best the mission befor it to do so hope that helps anyone stuck on mission 3. Iam stuck on mission 7 because of many bugs involved with it like the disseapearing or the freezing and because i suck to much on standard i have to go do 6 agian so it be nice if you could fix these asap

I glitched :(

Very good game though :)

listen 2 every 1 else

i aint like it at all

eh I dunno

Everyone else has said it and I have to agree. The first on was definatley better. This just seems too...raw I guess you could say. Choppy and slow, and I dont mean slow on the computer. Its also way too easy to die and I so far havent had my life bar all the way down before dying


Are you sure it's possible to beat mission 3? I've tried several ways so far. If I stand there and shoot him a volcano will start to open under my feet, and after I jump he does his ray and it kills me (or almost does, knocks me down, and as I recover another volcano kills me).
I've tried your guide... to attack him from behind. The thing is he immediately turns around and starts his combo, which is unblockable and too fast for my slow character. The cooldown time after attacking with a sword from the air is deadly as he always hit me with something in that window.
I tried buying more items or increasing the power of my sword but I have yet to be able to take down more than two of his mini life bars before he kills me with just one or two attacks.
Not even the action command of pushing X while near him is helpful. Sure, it throws a bunch of green orbs into the air, but then he unleashes his combo immediately upon the command's completion and kills me instantly.
I really don't think winning against the guy is possible. Not with the main character moving as slow as he does. I was constantly throwing the sword away because of how slow he is with it, and yet having a flying blade of death soaring around everywhere attacking the big guy wasn't helping at all.
Could you either slow the guy's attacks down, speed the main character's up, or prevent him from layering attacks so much? Because seriously, even if I did survive one of his attacks a volcano would always open up beneath me and the main character takes so long to get up he'd take it head on.

Oh, and also yeah, there are an unbearable amount of bugs in this game and dieing by falling is total BS.