you are the god of all movies!!!
everything was devestatingly great you are the best writer in the world!!! you must make more videos like this i mean mario fu*king it that was hilarious keep up the awesome work make more videos!!!!! :3D
you are the god of all movies!!!
everything was devestatingly great you are the best writer in the world!!! you must make more videos like this i mean mario fu*king it that was hilarious keep up the awesome work make more videos!!!!! :3D
lol, thanks dude.
Not the best i've seen but it's pretty neat ill give it a 10. I liked the forest animation with the trees and bushes and stuff.
Cool. =)
Dude, I don't care what anyone says. If this doesn't get frontpaged, there is no justice in the world. Great job! You made me laugh several times!
Awesome! One thing with comedy in Flash is that after a while you, as the author, have seen the jokes so many times from animating it and having to watch it and edit it, that they get old. So, then you aren't sure if they're funny anymore.
I'm glad they are!
All this killing over a blam rated flash movie!?!
Animation was slick, voices were great, character designs looked almost like the real thing! And Wade Fulp looked funny in a schoolboy outfit,
Oh, the schoolboy/sailor outfit was quite a sight indeed!
And, hey, when you have two Flash artists with screws loose in their heads stuff like this can happen.
Right? Right?
Thanks for the review! We're very excited with the reviews and score so far!
awesome man, i really loved it, except when they killed RAB and blockhead , but still, hilarious
Well, have no fear. The-Swain already forgave us and reviewed a few pages back.
See??? We are forgiven!!!