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Reviews for "You Love This Movie"

wow that was hilarious

awesome job! not sure what else to say. and just wondering, was the goku guy a real person or just a fictional character for the animation?

RSQViper responds:

Oh, that Gokurux66 guy is a fictional character we made up for the Flash.

he was basically our version of an angry, sugared-up kid who writes abusive reviews.

Thanks for the review!

Really cool, Really Original.

I think... this movie is what a lot of people want to do but never get round to doing it... killing other flash's in ones own flash... =) It was cool. I liked all of it except you missed madness and SMBZ out =( either way it was cool to watch. The animation itself could have been a bit better buy hey! - nothings perfect! ^^ Nice one dudes!

RSQViper responds:

Yeah, Madness was not in it, but that was a time issue, not because we forgot him.

Thanks for the review, man!


About half way, because that's when I lost interest. The fighting was pretty funny, but then again, I'm kind of tired of the pointless violence on Flash cartoons just because people can do it.

What was with all the penises? haha.

It was decent, got got a chuckle or two out of me, but by the time Tom and Wade showed up, it lost it's spark on me.

Also, question.. what's with all the hate on illwill? sure, he may do the exact same animation over and over, but big deal. He's still made some funny points in his flashes.

also, probs on the Darkwing Duck thing XD

RSQViper responds:

The violence wasn't pointless, though. That should've been obvious. It had a plot and everything.

Thanks for the harsh review you made without watching the whole thing...

Pretty good, pretty good.

Well. I gotta say I enjoyed it. I'm not saying it's the greatest thing since sex, but, still it's good, and I know you guys put a lot of work into this, so I gotta acknowledge that.
I gotta tell ya, though, that "waterlollies" spoof part? CLASSIC.
The only things I think could use some work were some of the lines and the presentation of illwill. Of course, this is just coming from my own personal taste. I wish I could say how it could have been improved upon, but it's one of those things that you just can't come up with it right away, lol.
However, I must say that I did enjoy this. It really was good work. :)
PS: Sorry I can't really offer much constructive criticism, seeing as how my own Flash background, is, well, nonexistent. XD

RSQViper responds:

Well, if you enjoyed it, you enjoyed it.

Thanks for the review, man. =)

Wasting talent on immature jokes

I have a lot of respect for the talent of the creators of this flash - it is extremely well made and has a great idea behind it. However, I am shocked at the constant homophobia throughout the submission. I believe one of the lines in the movie from the authors says that the users who blogged their flash in the movie were "probably all thirteen-year-olds." This statement implies that the creators are of higher age and maturity than the thirteen-year-old bloggers. And yet they constantly use extremely immature humor in criticising homosexuals. "Gay" posters line the walls of the users they make fun of, gay cartoons make up the blackboard in the classroom at the beginning, and characters in the flash use homophobic slurs. It is shocking to me that that the creators put themselves above the thirteen-year-old bloggers while using humor that is discriminatory and immature. It is a shame that such a great storyline and flash talent were wasted on immature jokes. Furthermore, all acts of discrimination and homophobia should be far from Newgrounds, a place of community and creativity.

RSQViper responds:

ONE character uses homophobic slurs and if you ever look at blammed Flash you'll see where we got it from.

We don't discriminate ANYTHING and it's obvious except for the close-minded people out there, I guess.

Sorry you couldn't enjoy the Flash for what it was. You hd to turn it into what you wanted it to be. But that's not my problem really.

And no talent was 'wasted' in this Flash. It was fun to make and most people like it (obviously).