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Reviews for "Ragdoll Invaders"


Good game but both my arms got cut off while fighting the boss and i counldn't fight back XD.

Nice one!

Loved the game, challenging but fun. Got to lvl 7 last boss and died xD I liked the rank too, Legendary Legend-Man-Thing. Overall, i liked the style and stuff, and it didn't lag or anything, and that's borat nice.


WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. i loved ragdoll avalanche, but this game freaking ownz. The last shipped lagged my comp quite a bit but hell i finished the game anyway. with 24 spare lives too :D.
ndstudent if you think this game is too hard then i don't recommend you play games again. ever.

theire is nothing whrong with the game but....

theire is a limitation to how many buttons a keyboard will permit to be pressed and that is 2 while this game at times require's you to press 3 at a time and thats just not posible, i sugest making the ragdoll shoot constantly that or make the spacebar a on-off switch for shooting as that will probaly resolve that problem and diagnoal movement will be posible......that or just use the mouse to aim and shoot


i love this game!
i got to the third ship!