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Reviews for "Robot VS Squirrel"

Meh...fight scene was okay

Graphics and Animation was really good, but my only remark about this piece was the sound and pronunciation of the dialect.

You may not have any good voice actors available, but the voice actors of the robot and the living rock thing just had horrid pronunciation. It sounded like the whole script was a single, massive run-on sentence. I realize that may be a "fad" or so in movies like Nacho Lebre or Napoleon Dinamite...but honestly, it doesn't add to whatever humor you were trying to achieve.

But like I said, not everybody can get good voice actors.

nyanyo responds:

you may be right, but please be nicer you're talking about my big brother (è_é) he tried his best to make me happy, i think he speaks well, as we're french
and again, i didn't choose the dialog neither the subject of this movie

the drawings are cool.

nice job on the fight scene, it was awesome/
cool little rock dude too.
i thought it was funny.

Hey, not entirely bad...

It was not "that" bad, but what the fck was up w/ the squirrel shotting the miniguns out of his stomach... hmm??? It was bad animation at start, then in middle, the dialogue was good, and the animation "seemed" better. I dunno, 2/5


Make a second.
wow loved the the idea and charaters just needed, alot more every thing


i like the pissed off robot kitty and the voiceovers were good too!