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Reviews for "Awesome Compilation Vol 4"


I'm fond of all the Awesome Compilations but this one seems to stand out the most, probably because of the games you chose and the specific parodies. I didn't like the most recent one too much but that's probably just the games involved, the style is still...well, awesome. I'm hoping these will continue for a long time, it's a treat to come to NG and see a new one is out, now at the same bat time and same bat channel each month.

Rock on. I know there's literally tens of thousands of games and well as suggestions you get from people but consider Chrono Trigger for one of the upcomming titles, it'll hit home with old skool gamers.


Man, the psp one took the cake on this. Holy hell was that funny man, that was the best one ever EVER!

Nice job do more


FF7 one was my favorite. When cloud starts cutting himself with his sword.

OMG!!!!!! thats F@#%#^^$ funny

i was wondering, the menu screen's song, where you tring to copy System of a Down?

A winnar is this.

Quality humor here. And what's worse, the Final Fantasy one is funny because it's true.