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Reviews for "Super Pilot"


Not too easy, but not too hard. I managed to beat the boss on my first try without taking any noticable damage; of course, the lesser enemies managed to whittle me down to a mere fraction of my health, so I'm not complaining. The difficulty level is perfect, the coordination with the music is awesome (it reminds me of another flash that revolved around that song), and the entire package is overall great. I'm only giving this a 4/5, however, because there's little to no replay value. A high score table may fix that, though.


Good game, but it is to short. Multiple levels, weapons add ons or power ups would be nice.

Spiffy and good fun

I wont lie, this is not the most original idea but the style is refreshing and clean. I like the Sonic music thrown in there. My only major concern is that when shooting at an enemy, the damage indicating circles (the debris) can make you lose focus of the enemy fire, which is the same shape and sometimes size. I'll find myself boring through an enemy relatively close to me, then recieving damage from shots I simply could not see coming.

Dont get why future fighters are run by propellers.

Still, you get kudos.

pretty good

great I love the details! A amazing game.

lol a good game

when i first played i got to the final boss and the blue ball thingys surrounded me and I died, but i shot as I fell and it killed him! xD

but it said gameover.. x[

but ah well... and what was so sad?? Not a clue what everyone is getting worked up over...

but yh now im waffling... good job cya.