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Reviews for "Fat unicorn"

Shovel Knight eat your heart out

the unicorn was unexpected, I tought it was some sort of shovel knight

HugoVRB responds:

I've been dying to play that game. The art looks great!

I love this. Haha! Really dig how traditional it looks too.

HugoVRB responds:

Thank you Shamfooo!
I've been experimenting a lot and I'm happy with this piece.

This kinda seems like something from the 2D Rayman games that have come out recently. :P

Your lighting angles all seem consistent and aside from the unicorn's floating eye (which I'm sure is intentional), everything seems proportionate to the goofy cartoon style you used.

I'm no programmer so I can't help you make a game, but I wish you luck!

HugoVRB responds:

You honor me! As Rayman has one of the coolest styles imo.

I usually add a floating eye to my characters, it adds a level of whathehellness. And thanks! I'm still learning the basics of lighting so I usually have only one or two sources.

And one day I'll make a game! You'll see!
Thanks SyrupMasterz.


HugoVRB responds:

Thank you Joshboy!