British humour, I'm guessing?
It was different.
British humour, I'm guessing?
It was different.
More Israelish, I think.
Fucking awesome
You are a genius, I seriously love your humour and animating, bloody perfect. I want this on the front page NOW
Jesus, that was win.
Aside from lack of a walking cycle animation, that was brilliant. Excellent humour and brilliant lipsync. I look forwardto future episodes.
that was piss funny
that made me chuckle like a chocco pig that was mint for some reason i was in histerics at the red spotted bad swapped for a suitcase moment could be cos im drunk but what a flash what flash .
p.s can i have your children
Probably one of my favorites...
I've been a huge fan of your work forever, and I think this is one of your best to date! I love the shameless mocking of popular flash loops, as well. Still, hands down, my two favorite jokes were: "Your name is <insane name here>, right?" "..No." and also CM's mom saying that CLs voice sounded familiar. Very witty indeed.