Newgrounds Background Image Theme

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Reviews for "Don't feel bad"

Yeah, I was hoping I'd beat someone to this.

Ah well...first of, it's 5 seconds long. Second, it's a song by Andrew" Pants", who does requests. He just made the video out of it. the song is 5 seconds long. And yeah, the comment the guy had when requesting woulda been awesome. Like if you had someone read it first.

the best part was the graphics

my main problem is the length: it was like 3 seconds long.
The graphics were pretty good, but still not perfect.
You had a replay button, that's a plus.
the music worked for the theme, but it was some poppy poser punk rock.
Overall, you should work harder to make your flashes longer:
At least 20 seconds.

I knew the song

I knew the song title so I had to just click on this flash.
You did STWPT proud :D
Although it would of been better to write the comment the guy wrote when he requested this song.

Short and simple

straight to the point, I didn't laugh but I still caught a small portion of the humor...... very small. Needs to be longer.


This is one of the few flashes on here where i have actually laughed out loud.

Nice one mate.