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Reviews for "SSBM: The Knee"


WHAT IN THE F...ING HECK IS THIS!? ah....let me quit. nice job i guess and thanks for the info?????? I'm one heck of a player in the game. I'm not the best like everyone else, but....that move alone will not work like that how you showing. Thanks for the teaching of it and all, but most people in the world have played that game for to long not to know everyone's moves. You would have to put alot of time in taking someone out and if you fought more the just your friends in like I don't know a SSBM tournament you'll know where i'm going with this. I know ya mean well but if this hadda showed up like I don't know. When the game first came out. I would totally love this video.

Advanced Play? Don't Think So...

I'll 1v1 your Falcon with mine any day.

Watch some Darkrain videos before calling your style of play "Advanced" or "Experienced". You've still got a loooong way to go. No SHFFL'd knees, no decent combos, and most of your knee strategies are going to kill the enemy, but I see that you also had no chance of getting back to the platform yourself, so -1 Stock for you as well, which is NEVER a good trade-off in 1v1 Play.

I will say that your video of SSBM does look very good especially in a Flash movie. Whatever you're using to convert the videos into the Flash format, keep it up.

Afro-Ninja responds:

Well thanks chief, but I've actually played darkrain. I'm really getting tired of responding to these comments.

It was.. different.

I liked the idea, but no offense meant, all I was thinking was, "DId this really need to be made a flash?"

You Suck

I really wish something in this video was accurate. If you plan on making a tutorial, I suggest you know a little more about what it is that you are talking about before trying to teach others to know as little as you do. C.Falc is a fairly good choice if you know how to use him proffessionally.

Not that awesome

Well, complaining about comments that say exactly the same as you typed in the beginning of the movie(which isn't a flash besides but nvm) is kinda hypocritical don't ya think? Anyhoo, even my 9 year old sister(a girl OMG) knows that airborne attacks using A button don't do sh*t if you enemy is standing next to or below you, the jury's a little out on ones above you. Finally though, Captain Falcon's knee really isn't the best move to send someone flying cuz it doesn't really work when you don't juggle em yourself and it's kinda easy to dodge n stuff even if you did get hit by a launcher before (and everey opponent you KO'd had about 50-60% damage anyway which means a smash from any decent character would have been enough). If you DO want a hard to dodge aerial attack youd better try mario's frontside A-attack to bash em straight down or another recommended one is Zelda's (not Sheiks) airborne front kick, if that sh*t hits right you can be sent flying with 0% damage except on large stages. But I guess I'm missing the point.

I'm really not going to give you a 0 on it cuz well you took the time and at lest tried to make sumtn interesting, but you really are going to lose some points for posting a non flash (actually even a recording of a console) on a site based round flash and well using humor and sarcasm that you can't stand if people quote it or comment it is kind of a d*ck move dontcha think?