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Reviews for "The Mascot"


Best movie uploaded in quite a while!


mrsimon responds:

Thanks. Keep it real.


Great Job!!!!

Your animation techniquest were INCREDIBLE!!!!!!! You also had the voice timing just right. You keep up the good flash making.


WOAH! Talk about professional, i'd expect to see this on TV or in the cinema! I loved the way the characters moved so smoothly and with proper hand gestures and perfect lip synching. I also liked the way you used real footage as a background.

This is should have blantantly got a daily feature and I hope that this gets voted up enough to win a weekly award becasue you deserve it!

loved it

This movie is awesome. I dont know how you did the graphics what program were you using? They weren't just clay models were they i wasn't sure. But that is really some impressive animating.

so yer the graphics were awesome
the movie was original and nice to watch
sound was good the voices fitted the chars. well.
it was pretty funny too. 5/5 was awesome, make more!

whoa there

This is awesome 3D animating. Very well put together. Voice acting was great. I really liked this. This must have taken a long time to make. Great work with this. what 3D program did you use to make this movie? Great work!