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Reviews for "Tomb Chess"


goood gaaaaaaame!whooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooo!um,surry im alittle hiper uh,hyper

i suck on this

i only could beat the enemy when he was on the dumb mode...
i am just a loser but it was not a bad game i like chess and the your style here is very good.

Good but.

This game was really good. but see im a stupid person and dont really care for strategy games. But if i HAD to choose between this or some lame dress up game i'd definately go with this. good job.

Great Strategy

The only flaw I find in this game is that it only takes 25 moves to enter a stalemate. I personally think that you should make it so after 25 moves, you can propose a stalemate, but continue up to 50 moves before an official stalemate is declared. I've had a number of times where I was well on my way to creaming the computer, but it took me a while to position all my pieces to lock him in. Things like that really piss me off.

Anyway, I'm noticing that some people think there isn't any strategy to this, but there actually is. I wanted to run through a bit of it:

1.) Keep in mind the number that each level piece has. There are eight 1s, four 2s, two 3s, two 4s and one 5 & 6. While the King is the strongest piece, he can be killed by another king and any of the 8 pawns, making him nearly as weak as a level 2 in terms of how easily he can be killed.

2.) The Queen is essentially the strongest piece with the least weaknesses, as there are only two pieces capable of killing her. She can kill everything else except the King

3.) It is always better if you can arrange for the computer to be the one to have to expose the graves. If the computer does the exposing, you get a full turn to react to whatever new creature has appeared. This means that if the new creature is yours, you can attack or move it to an unthreatened position, OR, if it's not yours, you can attack or run from it before it has a chance to do anything

4.) Basically, whoever manages to destroy all the threats to their own highest level piece will be the eventual victor. If your highest level piece is the King, then all other pieces should be devoted to tracking down and killing the pawns, even if it means sacrificing a level 2 or 3 piece to do it.

5.) Guard 1 - 3 lower level pieces with a single higher level piece. By positioning your pieces this way, it allows you to defend all of those pieces, since as soon as they take one of the smaller ones, you can take their obviously higher level piece.

6.) Use higher level pieces to herd enemy pieces to lower level pieces. Be efficient. If you have a level 3 and a level 2 and you're trying to go after a level 2, use your level 3 to pressure and eventually box in the enemy level 2 against your own level 2. Any piece can take out its own level, but only if it made the move that put it into an attackable position.

7.) Don't worry about defending a piece that can have another piece do its job. If you've got a choice between losing a pawn and losing a level 2, but you've got a level 4 and the enemy has their king already, save the pawn.

8.) Know when NOT to kill. Early on, the graves can be a hinrance to movement. Sometimes, the enemy may have a level 4, 5 or 6 out, while you only have a level 2. However, between you and the level 4+ is a pawn. Instead of killing this pawn, merely box him in so teh higher level enemy piece can't move around.

9.) Pay attention to the number of pieces. This allows you to weigh the chances of what any unopened grave will be.

10.) If you need to open up a grave, don't do it right next to your own piece or the enemy, unless absolutely necessary or you've weighed the chances as stated by the previous tip. If you open it up next to an enemy and it's one of your pieces of a lower level, they get a free shot on you. If you open it next to your piece and its an enemy, they still get a free shot on you.

11.) In terms of overall score, stalemates can actually be used to your benefit. Rather than lose pieces trying to completely destroy the enemy, just run down the timer while keeping as many of yoru pieces as possible, raking up a higher score.

12.) Stalemates can also be used to get points even when you lose. On top of this, if you win every round, you'll be declared the victor halfway through. It is actually better to only win every odd level and on the even levels, get as may of your monsters out and run the timer down to raise your score while losing, even if this means sacrificing monsters to get your score down enough to lose.

This is what I've learned from playing just for a few days^^

freeworldgroup responds:

glad you took the time to understand the game, nice review. : - )


neat idea but sucky game for 3 reasons.

reason 1: the whole 50/50 bit makes the game to easily swing in one person's favor. all that has to happen is one side happens to get 3+ strength pieces while the other side gets mostly 3 or less strength piece.

reason 2: there is no strategy to it when EVERY piece moves like a pawn.

reason 3: the pawn being able to kill the king makes sense but the fact the king can't kill the weakest piece in the game is STUPID.

i would strongly suggest rebuilding it on a traditional chess board and have it to where there is a chance for your pieces to appear in any normal position on a chess board. that could be quite interesting because you could end up with minor pieces blocked in the back and major pieces standing in the front for no apparent reason.

in addition it would be nice if you still allowed the traditional rook king switch provided there is a clear route from the king to rook...

freeworldgroup responds:

sorry you missed the point of the game and didn't see how strategic the game was. The intent was not to build a western type chess game - this is one form of Chinese chess and should not be compared with western chess, as it does not attempt to replicate it in any way.