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Reviews for "Unforgotten Realms: Epi 8"


Man, you godda end this series before it goes down hill. I mean, it's still funny but they weren't as good as they use to be. You don't want people thinking of your last, crappiest submission for Unforgotten Realms do you? Go start another Groundbreaking series!

Sirschmoopy responds:

No thanks, I personally feel this is the best episode I have done to date and feel there is still a lot of ground I could cover with a game that can never be completed.

I have had ideas for spinoffs or completely new cartoons but rather keep making this for now. Either way fags would still say things like "Oh this wasn't as good as Unforgotten Realms" Anyway :(


You are such an obvious 4channer :D:D:D:D
/b/ ftw!
The series kicks ASS! Cant waitr for the next episode!

Sirschmoopy responds:

Shoop da woop comes from 4chan but I don't go near that website.

Another great episode

That was amazing, I think it's getting better each time.

The Zelda sounds were amazing, they can never be over used. The voices were clear and understandable (apart from Jack, or... Jark, or... Whatever) as usual.

I'm glad you kept the series going, I can't wait until the next installment comes out.


That looked alot like some of the Forgoten Realms games Ive played/Dmed in the past lol. Good stuff there :P

You've done it.

Wow, this series gets better every episode. This was definately worth the wait. I love how you make a reunion of all the enemies....and the ants...and...I can't begin to explain all my favorite parts....well, good job, can't wait to see the next episode.