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Reviews for "Lost in dimensions"

Not too bad :)

It certainly wasn't the best game I've played today but it certainly wasn't the worst. You did many things right, it had a story, not an intricate plot mind you but most games don't even have that much.

The gameplay took a little getting used to but it was fine after a few tries.

The drawing were decent, much better than most but unfortunantly nothing to brag about (better than I could probably do though :P)

The music I think was a good choice. It is true with most every game though that the music gets old after a while. After playing your game for a little bit I found myself looking for additional music choices just to mix it up a little.

On the topic of sound: Your sound effects were good but the witches voice was painful (for lack of a better word). I'm sure it was meant to be screechy but lets just say I'm glad you had subtitles as I found it hard to understand her.

All in all it was a good game, it seemed well thought out :)

Abs55 responds:

Thanks very much for the constructive review, I will try and use your points to improve my next game especially the one about more than one choice of music.

nice one

that was a pretty sweet maze-style game. it had a simple concept to it, though the levels themselves offered a pretty decent and unique challenge to it.... and it also had a semi-plot to it as well, not just getting from point A to point B. very nice to see.

Abs55 responds:

Thanks for the review, I try to add a plot to games to make them feel more entertaining.

Nice game

This is a perfect example of how to make a mouse avoider game. Some people only come up with shit like "Avoid the walls with the cursor", but this one has been taken two or three steps further and has even been given a plot.

Not really the best graphics I've ever seen, you made up for those with your style of the game. The sound is a decent tune for this style of game, although I'm not really a fan of the way the spikes electrocute the broom, you've worked it quite well.

Are we to expect more games of this type from you, or do you have something better waiting in the wings for us?

[Review Request Club]

Abs55 responds:

Thanks for the review, I might make more games like this in the future but for the next two or three games I have got some good ideas for other types of games, If you wish, I will PM you when the new game is released.

Good Game, show promise

I enjoyed this game the graphics were pleasant and you didn’t play that “old ugly hag” witch thing that so many people do. Comparatively, though, I liked Ed’s treasure much more (which I plan to review soon)

The first thing that got my beef was how easy it was to die and the fact that I had to play the whole game over again to get back to the same level, I game overed on level 8 twice before being able to play the whole thing through.
The barriers had strange designs and made it hard to distinguish where the bounding box probably was. Strangely the barriers’ artwork seemed to have had more work put into them than the broom, which you not only had to look at the whole game *you had to focus deeply on it* the background and the borders on the other hand get filtered out and are not as important (but still must be present to give the game it’s mood)
I couldn’t accurately pin point where the rotation axis was on the broom or where it “should” be but for some reason it “felt” wrong and didn’t give me the feeling of a broom hovering in the air scouring for it’s targets.

A few suggestions;
*The game gets boring to do the same thing over and over again each level, this seems like the type of game where you need certain powerups which are located throughout the level to get through certain areas (like the age old red key to open the red door)

*I didn’t mind the music but the ability to turn it off is always an invaluable addition to any game, that and a pause button,

*Sometimes I had a hard time figuring out if I’d died from time deficiency or for collision, something to indicate your death and the reason why should appear on the screen, but, of course not for too long.

*I liked that every new level refilled my health bar, but at some points I wanted to have some kind of object that I didn’t have to acquire but I could if I was brave enough to risk it, and since such object obviously need a worthy encouragement to cause the player to risk health for it, then it should probably be a health upgrade.

*After all is said and done and the game is complete I would have liked it if I had received some kind of reward for my efforts, but instead the victory sequence was exactly the same as for “game over” with the exception that the ingredients were now in their jars.

Abs55 responds:

Thanks for your review! I am glasd you liked it. I have got a couple of people asking to make a sequel with upgrades and powerups, I will probably do this so I don't disappoint anyone.

I'm not sure how to do a pause button correctly as I could stop the main timeline but not the timelines within the movie clips. I thought it would be funny to see the almost same endings for both win and lose screens. I will take what you said into account and try and improve for the next type of this game.

Fun game

Not to much to review on here but I guess that it was okay. I liked it okay the controls were fun and innovative, and the levels were designed nicely. It could use a little more work as far as enemies go but that is ok. All in all it is a nice little game and it really shows a lot of promise.

Abs55 responds:

Thanks for the review. I will work on enemies in the future.