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Reviews for "Lost in dimensions"

REALLY cool...

I've seen some MAZE games sort like this but not set up like this one this sub was of the hook...
hurry make part 2!!!!!!!

Abs55 responds:

Thanks very much for the cool review. I will consider (probably) making a part 2 in the future.

Not too bad :)

It certainly wasn't the best game I've played today but it certainly wasn't the worst. You did many things right, it had a story, not an intricate plot mind you but most games don't even have that much.

The gameplay took a little getting used to but it was fine after a few tries.

The drawing were decent, much better than most but unfortunantly nothing to brag about (better than I could probably do though :P)

The music I think was a good choice. It is true with most every game though that the music gets old after a while. After playing your game for a little bit I found myself looking for additional music choices just to mix it up a little.

On the topic of sound: Your sound effects were good but the witches voice was painful (for lack of a better word). I'm sure it was meant to be screechy but lets just say I'm glad you had subtitles as I found it hard to understand her.

All in all it was a good game, it seemed well thought out :)

Abs55 responds:

Thanks very much for the constructive review, I will try and use your points to improve my next game especially the one about more than one choice of music.

I enjoyed this game.

I don't normally use the old system of +/- in reviews any more, as it took effort and seemed to confuse some authors. But as you liked my other reviews, I'll return to that system. It's just a vague indication of how much a like/dislike each element.

First, the report of my play-through. I completed the main game on my 2nd attempt, then played the highscore game a few times. I did quit a few attempts, when I died in the slalom-ish fire-level. After dinner, I had one last attempt on both normal and highscore modes.

--- Music starts before we press anything. GAMES SHOULD BE QUIET UNTIL I TELL IT TO START!

- Music can kinda drown out the witch's voice

++ Nicely 'screechy' voice

- The broom really didn't look like a broom to me. I just felt the end-bit (the side where the straw should be) could have been a lot better drawn.

---- I personally found the menu a bit confusing. The graphics for the coins, etc. initially looked clickable.

--- Also, the way we needed to wait for the messages to pop up and explain each mode kinda irritated me. I think such things should either be on the screen, or be near-instant.

-- I found the status bar a tad confusing. In my first game, I thought the level number was the number of lives remaining (it was the first time I'd really tried to work it out, amongst all the clutter) and so was surprised when I failed after failing a level one more time.

+++ The rotation and 'lag' of the broom sorta differentiated it from all the other mouse-avoider games.

--- I actually hate that system of moving, where the object moves a certain fraction of the distance towards the cursor. I just think that the broom should have a maximum speed and it should generally move at that speed whenever we place the cursor a certain distance away.

In this game it seemed less annoying than usual, but I still disliked the system.

+++ I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the moving obstacles.

++++++ Some of the levels are fairly ingenious in their basic design. Specially the ones involving the 2 sets of moving spikes and the slalom level in the time-trial mode.

-- I did feel at times that the hit-box of the broom seemed a bit odd. I never felt entirely confident in how close I could go to the spikes and was never fully sure of whether I'd pick up an item or not until I actually did so.

I kinda think you should make the hitbox for the former smaller and the hitbox for the latter larger.

As I've been working on Skears 2 for the past 5 years, I don't want to give many suggestions when I play similar games. I'd like to release my own game first. Hope you understand.

I do think your levels could be a tad more memorable and maybe you could introduce a few more features to add even more variety, but on the whole, the design is good.

I enjoyed this game. I may not return to it, but it was great fun to play and I just wish it was longer with added variety, or there was more competition in the highscore table.

There's a few things you could improve in the presentation, and the design can always be polished further, but it's a solid game. Fun!

Congratulations in making an enjoyable game! It may not have the innovation of your other titles, but it's a solid, fun game.

I'm looking forward to seeing your skills improve further.

~~~~~Review Request Club~~~~~~~

Abs55 responds:

Thanks very much for the constructive review. I had hoped you would write such a review and you have. You have shown a lot of things that I could improve on, if and when I make a sequel. Thanks.


^^Good Points^^
Not a bad game at all. It's an original idea and has pretty original graphics, which look like you spent a lot of time on. The music and sound effects were cool as well. Playing the game itself was pretty fun. It was challenging as you got onto the levels with the eyes, as the time was much shorter and I had trouble with this one. However, the functioning didn't at all hinder me.

^^Needs Improving^^
Haha, this needs more detailed instructions. At first I thought the broom was a bad thing if it hit my cursor, which caused me to die a lot in the beginning. Chalk that up to me being stupid though.

Abs55 responds:

Thanks for the review, the game's graphics took quite a while to draw and design so thanks for appreciating them. I thought people might understand how to play quite easily but I was wrong so I will put a hint in the main comments area for the game.

its me

remeber that guy that said that the king of the road game had cool music. Thats me! i have to say this was really crative just like the game king of the road ( which u made) So kudos to you!!!

Abs55 responds:

Thanks :)