makes me remember when i was 2. the music makes me feel alive. you rule, edd.
makes me remember when i was 2. the music makes me feel alive. you rule, edd.
the song is from sonic 2 casino night zone you can look it up in the audio portal grate song
this is really good! i cant belive it its just like the old itmes when my dad crashed into a lampost
thi8s teach8s alo8t of kid8s a ver8y importan8t...
ohhh forge8t it tha8t wa8s totall8y awesom8e ma8n!
bu8t remembe8r kid8s...
don8t go to casino8s, ge8t drun8k, an8d be stupi8d enoug8h to driv8e hom8e whil8e waste8d...give8s a bad hangove8r.
(p.s. als8o... be prepare8d to los8e al8l of you8r mone8y [onl8y if you8r dum8b] )
R.I.P edd
may his legacy live on......................