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Reviews for "How to make bad flash"


That was a good one.

((( OK )))

Hehehe well i gues you could be right, but now-a-days people just vote 0 to increase there blam/protect point stats, heheh or unless its a clock movie then all the clocks get together and vote 5 to win, sheesh i dont know maybe thats the only way they can win at newgrounds, ohwell, anyways it was an interesting flash that might be true...



Good worth a laugh!!

A hilarious NG parody!

Wow! It seems as if this "guide" has been followed for months! Great job! This one will be funny for as long as Newgrounds is online.

Atros responds:

months??? i was only submitted recently, 11/7/01.

Ignore EVILtimm. He's a fucktard.

This movie was a funny parody. What can I say? I have a good sense of humor! : )