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Reviews for "SBX : Link vs. Vivi"

your ideas are stupid

let me just make this short and i'll go from the bottom of the console war

4. Dreamcast is very crap and has crap games, is seriously old and doesnt have any new games anyway.

3. Xbox has Halo and thats all i can be bothered to think of.

2. PS2 has good games but Metal Gear Solid 2 is definetly not one of them. Just not enough new games!

1. And the winner is!
and we wasn't expecting that!
all hail the greatest console ever made! with great titles such as: Legend of Zelda Wind Waker,Rogue Squadron 2 and Super Mario Sunshine!

mr arrogancy, you should be ashamed of yourself, thinking that Dreamcast could ever be better than any other console


this movie owns, gamecube owns, PS2 and Xbox sucks

All right, i am speaking to all the other reviewers out there. Please, if you disagree with his opinions, don't rate it a zero unless the movie terribly sucked, which in this case it didn't.

I think the PS2 should be renamed to BS2 because that's basically what it is. The only good game on that is Dynasty Warriors. The OxBox is so sucky. Halo? Good, but not meant for consoles. It was meant for PC. Many people look at the price and size of the Gamecube and think "Oh, it sucks" without even playing the games. I confess, i thought that Animal Croosing was going to be stupid, then i got it, and is wasn't kiddy. In fact, it was great and blew away The Sims.

Anyway, your movie was great. I liked the intro, although Link was a little assuming and badly drawn. Although I am in no position to criticize drawing, as mine really sucks (I make stick figures look detailed). It could have used a litlle more violence though. Great movie anyway, and rock on Nintendo! By the way, Konami is making a much better remake of MGS1 on the GC (and i mean much much better) and Square is making Final Fantasy for GC too, so take that BS2! lol! Make more movies like this!

That was bomb dude

Hey that was hella good, you're killing me with all the "to be continued" parts man......and i too agree about what you are saying about xbox.....I think that people aren't really getting into gamecube is basically looks or the games.....i don't see anything wrong with the games but i hear people say "Well the games are only for kids", or "Gamecube looks gay", that makes me mad......I'd like for you to teach me flash so if you're interested in helping me just respond to this! Thank you and KEEP THE SERIES UP!late.......

I agree....almost

I agree with what you you said....to a point I think that yes Xbox does no know what there are doing but I think that PS2 and the Cube could make godlike games. I think that Next time you should have sephiroth fight some one from nintendo next!!! Very Cool indeeed!

Not bad...

Pretty good. You used the old school link design without making him look gay and for that, I must commend you. * Clap clap *
I also approve of the use of Sephiroth (although, technically, the Final Fantasy universe is not part of Nintendo)(Yet...)
I must disagree with the statements you made(see above) while i'm not trying to say gamecube is bad or by any means worse than other systems, XBOX an PS2 are both perfectly good gaming systems. Nonetheless, keep up the good work! I loved Arrogancy, and this was amazing as well.